What's your core anyway?

You hear so much about working on your core, but what is your core and why does it matter?

Simply put, your core keeps you stable. Once upon a time we didn’t have to worry about our core because we were active enough in our day to day lives to maintain it. Nowadays, with many of us in desk jobs, our core is neglected. This makes us more vulnerable to injury and issues such as low back pain.

When you think about your core, you tend to think “abs”, but it is much more than this. Your abs are made up of several muscles (your internal + external obliques, transversus abdominus and rectus abdominis) and they make up a large part of your core, with additional help from your pelvic floor, your diaphragm as well as some of your back muscles.

If you’d like to find out more about the diaphragm’s roll in your core and what you can do to help yourself, click here.

Not sure where to start?

There are tonnes of resources out there, however less can be more to begin with. If your core has been neglected for a long time, you need to go easy on yourself! Here’s a useful video for beginners:


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