Fairly Frequent FAQs!
These are the FAQs that I tend to get during treatments. For our usual FAQs on Chiropractic, look here!
How old is the oldest patient you’ve ever treated?
…And the youngest?
3 months!
What is your favourite thing to treat?
At the minute it’s between neck pain/headaches and jaw pain.
What are the best exercises for your spine/posture?
I often give people “Bruggers”, “pelvic tilt” and “bird dog”… but there are loads more I could put here!
Do you treat animals?
I don’t, but my dog and horses have had chiropractic care and love it! Flame in particular tends to fall asleep!
What is the most common thing you see in the clinic?
Low back pain and sciatica for sure
Who treats you?
Chiropractor friends!
I also get a monthly sports massage with Steve to keep me ticking over as well as to keep my hands in good enough condition to keep on treating others!
What’s that thing in the corner?
My pregnancy pillow! It has boob and belly holes that allow pregnant people to lie on their front for a more comfortable, effective and relaxing treatment!
What’s Chiropractic school like?
Hard work! We study for 5 years to get our Masters degree which makes us a Doctor of Chiropractic! The course is very hands on which means you spend a lot of your time practicing on your peers so you get very used to being undressed in front of people!
How did you know that you wanted to be a chiropractor?
I was trying to re-enact wrestling that I’d seen on TV with my brother when I was about 8 years old… Fell into a wall and hurt my neck! I went to see a Chiropractor and immediately thought “I want to do this when I grow up” and never changed my mind!