2020 round up!
2020 is almost over (yay!) so now seems like a good time to reflect back on the year and ask the questions who came to Gillingham Chiropractic Clinic, what they came for and more! So basically an excuse for me to geek out and have some fun with some pie charts!
Our oldest patient this year so far is 87 years old…
…and our youngest is 4 years old!
For gender we have and almost even split…
…with women only just overtaking men!
The most common condition treated was (unsurprisingly) low back pain, closely followed by sciatica…
…and the least common diagnosis was Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) which is an uncommon, and still not very well understood neurological chronic pain disorder.
Unsurprisingly the good old fashioned google is how most people find us!
Thank you so much for making patient referral our second biggest source of patients!
(Psssttt we don’t normally tell people this as we like it to be a surprise but when you refer a patient in, you get money off your next treatment! £30 instead of £37 to say thank you!)
And finally, you guys are mad for the purple KT tape!
(Madness, obviously BLUE is the best!) P.S. if you want to make my day, next time I offer you sports tape and ask what colours you would like, say “surprise me!” Disclaimer: this will result in me using as many different colours as possible!
If we don’t see you before the years up, we hope the rest of 2020 is… well as good as it can be! Have a happy and safe Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!